
  • [c++] regex_search 함수
    카테고리 없음 2023. 1. 20. 13:52

    1.함수 헤더 파일

    #include <regex>

    2.함수 원형

    template <class BidIt, class Alloc, class Elem, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        BidIt first,
        Bidit last,
        match_results<BidIt, Alloc>& match,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);
    template <class BidIt, class Elem, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        BidIt first,
        Bidit last,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);
    template <class Elem, class Alloc, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        const Elem* ptr,
        match_results<const Elem*, Alloc>& match,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);
    template <class Elem, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        const Elem* ptr,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);
    template <class IOtraits, class IOalloc, class Alloc, class Elem, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        const basic_string<Elem, IOtraits, IOalloc>& str,
        match_results<typename basic_string<Elem, IOtraits, IOalloc>::const_iterator, Alloc>& match,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);
    template <class IOtraits, class IOalloc, class Elem, class RXtraits, class Alloc2>
    bool regex_search(
        const basic_string<Elem, IOtraits, IOalloc>& str,
        const basic_regex<Elem, RXtraits, Alloc2>& re,
        match_flag_type flags = match_default);


    3. Parameter (매개 변수)

    BidIt The iterator type for submatches.
    Alloc The match result allocator class.
    Elem The type of element to find a match for.
    RXtraits The attribute class for the element.
    Alloc2 The regular expression allocator class.
    IOtraits A string attribute class.
    IOalloc String allocator class.
    flags Flags for matching.
    first The start of the matching sequence.
    last End of matching sequence.
    match Match result.
    ptr A pointer to the start of the matching sequence.
    re The regular expression to look for matches.
    str A string to match.



    4. Described

    re : 각 템플릿 함수는 피연산자 시퀀스에서 해당 정규식 인수 검색이 성공한 경우에만 true를 반환합니다.

    match result : 개체를 가져오는 함수는 검색이 성공했는지 여부를 반영하도록 구성원을 설정하고, 성공한 경우 정규식의 다양한 캡처 그룹을 캡처합니다.




    #include <iostream>
    #include <regex>
    using namespace std;
    int main(){
    	const char *first = "abcd";
        const char *last = first + strlen(first);
        cmatch mr;
        regex_constants::match_flag_type f1 = regex_constants::match_default;
        regex rx("abc");
        cout << "search(f, f+1, \"abc\") == " << boolalpha << regex_search(first, first + 1, rx, f1) <<endl;
        cout << "search(f, l, \"abc\") == " << boolalpha << regex_search(first, last, mr, rx) <<endl;
         cout << "  matched: \"" << mr.str() << "\"" << endl;
        cout << "search(string, \"abc\") == " << boolalpha  << regex_search(string("a"), rx) << endl;
        string str("abcabc");
        match_results<string::const_iterator> mr2;
        cout <<  "search(string, \"abc\") == " << boolalpha << regex_search(str, mr2, rx) << endl;
        cout << " matched \"" << mr2.str() << "\"" << endl;
    search(f, f+1, "abc") == false
    search(f, l, "abc") == true
      matched: "abc"
    search(string, "abc") == false
    search(string, "abc") == true
     matched "abc"




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